Saturday, April 30, 2011

Logitech V-uam27a Specs


Sandra Sturzo

Today we visited the city of Tiktin, a village dating from the XVI century.

This shtetl, agrarian city, started with 10 Jewish families and grew to 3000 people with a rich cultural life and artistic economy, representing over 75% of the total population.

When he began the Holocaust, the destruction was absolute. The entire Jewish population was carried Lupujova forests, where they were killed in just 3 days.

Today Tiktin only preserves the old synagogue, which comes alive when the tourists visit because there are no Jews in that city.

entire delegation
ARGENTINA space is filled with songs and a lot of emotion.

then visit the same Lupujova forest, where we visited the mass graves which were thrown into the 3 thousand Jews, walk through the woods, we read stories of survivors and conducted a memorial ceremony

noon we arrived at Treblinka. This extermination camp was built in two months by the Nazis to withdraw their mode of killing Jews balas.Treblinka, with little structure, it became a real "factory of slaughter."

trains are more than 100 people per car and in just hours all those people disappeared into the gas chambers. Today there is a memorial to "the 14,000 COMUNIDADE S" who were exterminated by the Holocaust. Each stone has a name written

Each stone
realize how many cities and small towns witnessed the horror

ended the day with a Shabbat in the synagogue of Warsaw.

We traveled many places since we arrived in Warsaw and all of them there are monuments, objects and many details have witnessed what happened.

The best place to store these data so as not to "forget" and the world knows what happened is OUR MEMORIAS.Nadie can delete it from there, that is our commitment as young as Jewish educators, as links in the chain of transmission ancient



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