Friday, April 29, 2011

Slogan Promoting Eating Healthy To Adults?

Children of the Shoah II

Children of horror, children's pain. Street children, exiled, deported and neglected. Children in the Holocaust, our last survivors. Kids

mother, children without identity. Children

Tiktin, shot in the nasal Lupojova forest, torn from the hands of their mothers killed in front of their parents.
Warsaw travelers trains to Treblinka death. Children without a childhood and unsmiling. Children

courage, children smugglers. Risk their lives, wind walls and holes with their little bodies of newly birthed. Carry in their hands the gold leaf, that will feed the Ghetto resisters.

Run The route today took us through conflicting ways: life in the Shtetl of Tiktin and Lupojova and killed in Treblinka. What becomes harder when you walk through history where there was so much blood. How big

becomes the sense of resistance when the labyrinth seems to have no end. It hurts
and we're happy life. Tomorrow we will walk in the road rebuilding of heroism on the streets of that which was once the Warsaw Ghetto and today we returned stunning hotels, shopping malls and fast food chains. Fast is the story to demolish and turn to their feet.


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