Thursday, December 25, 2008

Whats A Full Brazilian?

The folic acid during pregnancy Diet during pregnancy

Diseases such as hydrocephalus or spina bifida, birth defects affecting quality of life of children can be prevented if pregnant women do not suffer from folic acid deficiency, essential for growth and reproduction of cells.

The daily requirement of vitamin A - 0, 4 mg .- should be increased to twice in the period immediately before and after conception.

consumption of folic acid during pregnancy

United States since this year, fortify their flour with 0.4 Mgs. of this nutrient while Hungary is fortified bread, no flour, with a higher dose and add B vitamins

This is based on a clinical trial with this amount of supplements during pregnancy, by which was reduced by 93 percent the problems of nervous system development.

also decreased other birth defects such as heart and kidney malformations. Keep in mind that these diseases do not have the same frequencies in all countries: the United States recorded one case per thousand while in the UK, AC da seven thousand babies born with birth defects is tas.


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