Saturday, October 11, 2008

Wedding Vote Of Thanks Message

treatment for childhood allergies Feeling pregnant


intervention in allergic diseases are often carried out two simultaneous treatment.

1. Treatment of symptoms

In this case, use drugs that counteract the observable symptoms: rhinitis, cough or asthma. What parents can do about not much; the responsibility lies entirely on the specialists.

2. Treatment of allergic

field is a thorough treatment is implemented taking into account the following factors.


• Changing the environment and lifestyle.

• Use of drugs that modify the allergic field.

• Specific treatments directed against the precipitating cause, such as desensitization, which helps increase the child's defenses against certain allergens.

• When it comes to modifying the environment of the child, parents themselves can do much. Then, a series of recommendations or guidelines laid down measures such as questions and answers for the allergic child develop a normal life.

• What preventive measures be taken against the environment and lifestyle of the child?

Since, as we saw, the allergen is found everywhere (dust, humidity, pollen) and measures taken to prevent this are always insufficient, it is not possible without treatment. Despite this, it is extremely necessary to take certain precautions.

allergy studies in infants show that, if removed from the environment of the newborn four important factors such as cow's milk, ACA-ros of dust, cat hair and cigarette smoke, the possibilities for the boy suffering from allergies are significantly reduced, even with parents who are carriers of the disease.

However, once it has detected the allergy, you must be careful with all that keeps dust, carpets, blinds, bedspreads and cushions. The house must remain aerated at all times of year, trying to remove strong odors such as paint, aerosols or essences.

is also necessary to try to get rid of pets. This task is quite difficult because of the affection that children often have for them. If you choose to keep the animal, you should avoid as much contact, preventing them from moving through the rooms and the living room.

• What preventive measures should be extended to the diet?

The diet should be balanced. Certain poorly tolerated or allergenic foods, such as chocolate, should be avoided. The same goes for the starches, dairy products and cooked fats.

For babies There are studies indicating that breast milk received during the first months of life significantly reduces the risk of allergy.

• What is desensitization?

is a specific treatment against allergy. The decision on whether to use or not depends on the severity of the case and they know what the allergen could not be eradicated. In this case, it provides an immediate and long-term protection.

The treatment is injected subcutaneously with a solution of the allergen extract. Its duration is three years, although sometimes necessary to further strengthening. In all cases, the indication of desensitization must give it to the specialist.

• What should be done at the beginning of an asthma attack?

The best time to stop a crisis when it occurs. When parents notice the first symptoms, should proceed as follows.

1. Eliminate the cause, if known: a pet or smoke snuff, for example.

2. Provide prescription drugs habitually by the physician, according to the dosage prescribed.


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