Wednesday, September 10, 2008

How To Clean Inside Of Boots

XV Conference on the Teaching of Philosophy Colloquium

16, 17 and 18 October
Moreno 590 (corner of Peru)
(Alumni Association of the Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires)
Autonomous City of Buenos Aires

Special Guests: Laura
Gioscia (University of the Republic Uruguay), Gonzalo Armijo Palacios (Federal University of Goias, Brazil), Filipe Ceppos (University Filho-PUC/RJ Gama, Brazil), Patrice Vermeren (CFA, University Paris 8, France), Jose Pablo Martin (UNGS), Claudia D 'Amico (UBA, UNLP), Elena Oliveras (UBA), Eduardo Rinesi (UNGS, UBA), Gladys Palau (UBA), Hernan Miguel (UBA), Elena Joseph (UNSA), Manzur and Roxana Analía Ortín (UNSa).

We communicate again invited to participate in the XV Conference on the Teaching of Philosophy, International Symposium, 2008, to be carried out in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, from 16 to 18 October 2008. Papers may be submitted, research results or accounts of experiences on the subject of philosophy teaching at all levels of education and formal education.
Those wishing to present papers must submit for review a summary of 600 words. Before the orders for extension of time, it has been extended until 22 September. The summary should be included: title, name and surname of the author or authors, institution affiliation and brief curriculum vitae (not more than half a page) of the author or authors.
By e-mail notification of the acceptance of work and the date and time the same exposure.
During the conference must be submitted full papers to be published in the Proceedings of the event, on a CD with ISBN, published by the Faculty of Arts at the University of Buenos Aires. Full papers should have up to 3000 words.
Papers and abstracts must be submitted in Word format, Times New Roman, size 12, notes, footnotes, 1.5.
The conference is aimed at teachers, students and graduates in philosophy, and others interested in the teaching of philosophy.
Registration is free and is made directly to the venue of the conference. Be awarded certificates of attendance and presentation of papers.

For all participants outside and inside the country is available a list of hotels of all categories and general information about our country and the city of Buenos Aires. This information can be found on our blog ( ) or it can apply to our email.

For information and abstract submission contact: or

Programme for the Improvement of Teaching
Philosophy Faculty of Philosophy and Letters University Buenos Aires

Organizing Committee:
Alejandro Cerletti, Ana Claudia Coulter, Laura Agratti, Martha Frassineti, Veronica Bethencourt, Natalia Cantarelli, Javier Freixas, Laura Galazzi, Gustavo Loza, Juan Nesprías, Alejandro Ranovsky, Ricardo and Maria Cristina Spadaro Sassone


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